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Ocean conservation

Our commitment to dolphins and whales

The ocean is a place of wonder and magic, its energy is the inspiration for Inis the Energy of the Sea

Iceland Humpback
Whale Research Expedition

In 2018, Inis sponsored the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group Ireland to Iceland Humpback Whale Research Expedition.

Researchers on this voyage of discovery used photo identification to gain further insight into the growing whale population between the two island nations. Dr. Simon Berrow, Chief Science Officer with the IWDG, described the goals of the trip: “We will work in collaboration with colleagues in the Icelandic Marine and Freshwater Research Institute and the University of Iceland with the aim of promoting links with coastal communities, combining our knowledge and resources to more effectively carry out our shared responsibilities towards humpback whale conservation and management.”

David Cox, Managing Director of Inis the Energy of the Sea – Fragrances of Ireland, explains the synergy between Inis and ocean conservation efforts: “It’s a natural fit for us to fund this expedition and the IWDG. The full name of our signature collection is Inis the Energy of the Sea. Inis was inspired by the sea, so it’s nice to give back, in our small way, to the source of that inspiration.”

Whale Watch Ireland

Each summer Inis sponsors the IWDG Annual All Ireland Whale Watch event, which takes places at various headlands in coastal counties around the country.

All local watches are being led by experienced IWDG researchers, enthusiasts and whale watchers, who advise how to observe and identify some of the more commonly recorded cetacean species seen in Irish waters.

The purpose of whale watch day is to raise awareness of the 25 species of cetaceans (porpoises, dolphins and whales) recorded to date in all Irish waters, by giving the public an opportunity to look for and observe some of these wonderful marine mammals in their natural environment. This event also provides IWDG researchers with a unique snapshot of whale and dolphin activity around the Irish coast. Further details on www.iwdg.ie

Remove as much plastic from
nature as we use – that’s our
Plastic Neutral promise.

Inspired by the sea and committed to protecting our oceans.

Through a partnership with rePurpose Global, we are now a certified Plastic Neutral company – which means that we remove as much plastic from nature as we use in our packaging. Reducing the amount of plastic that ends up in our oceans is hugely important to us – as a brand we are connected to the sea and committed to protecting our oceans.

Learn more about our Plastic Neutral partnership here.


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